Sunday, December 20, 2009

Is it my own insecurities that's killing me or it is others?
Is it you or am i just too sensitive?
Did I put my ego way at the top, so high that it blinds me from seeing anything that is below it?
like trust? and faith?

Or maybe I just don't want to get hurt. again.
How I've been lied to, when the truth is right in my face, someone can just twist and turn them and cover their ass and god was I stupid enough to believe them.
I rather discontinue it rather than extending the pain. I should have done it long ago or maybe it shouldn't have started.

This trip is a cold lonely one and it is so cold that my hands froze for seconds and I can't feel them)=
I hate it here.

1 comment:

Veron said...

Takce good care! 2 more weeks.. You're gonna be bak in SG soon :)