Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 0

Some things just happened. Some things that I thought I was lucky to not let it happen. It was the worst breakup. I thought I was strong enough, but it turned out that I was the weaker one. Turned out that nobody took me seriously, nobody really understands me. Just when I thought I found the one, things took a turn. You cheated and lied to me even when I looked into your eyes. It's all glassy and cold. No more cute little fishy that used to fill me with love. Gone were the brighter days.

I don't want to stay at home alone. I want to be out, with people to distract me, away from the nightmare. Nobody's gonna be home.

Imagine the world without me. Life would be so much better. I can end all the misery, sufferings.

I dont want to be alone.