Friday, October 16, 2009

Things have changed over the past few days.
Feelings too, I guess.

I absolutely hate being alone at home. I've been going out every single day, with different people. Friends are still friends, never can they replace the position of a lover. I can't be alone, I don't want to. Sleeping at wee hours so that I've totally no time to think about other things.

I'm not strong. And I can't be strong. I don't want to go to sleep every night knowing that no one's going to care if I'm sick or dead. I don't want to wake up every morning, knowing that there won't be someone to text me in the morning with sweet messages.

It's either I'm too used to having someone by me or I just need someone, somebody.
Someone to stand by me no matter what, someone who makes me feel in love.
I want to be in love tooooooo!

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