Sunday, August 2, 2009

Watching this Hk drama serial now..
Which got me thinking..

Treasure the people around us, don't wait till its too late before they're gone.
They may be all around us, parents, lovers, friends.
But how often do we really take our time to understand them, feel them?

Parents will always be there for us. Lovers? Maybe, maybe not?
My mum's super nice to me, but sometimes she's just really irritating.
But I know that she really cares for me. I should really spend more time with her, now that my dad is not in singapore.
She's all alone most of the time at night. If Im not at home, she'll have to eat alone most of the times. Mmmmmm..

In that show, he changed alot for her, but she just feel that they're just people from two different worlds, not compatible. He proposed to her, but she rejected it and even broke up with him.
It's until when he got seriously injured and landed himself in coma then she starts to treasure him, reminisce about the past.
How often do you get men, who treats you nice and loves you wholeheartedly? Giving more than he receives? Willingly to change for you for the better? Wants to have a future with you and willingly to take up the huge responsibility?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"How often do you get men, who treats you nice and loves you wholeheartedly? Giving more than he receives? Willingly to change for you for the better? Wants to have a future with you and willingly to take up the huge responsibility?"

- once in a life time, sometimes none..