Thursday, December 10, 2009

There's really one thing that I regretted was .. being with *B.
I wished that I've never met him.
But it made me realise one thing, meeting people online is now a n0no for me.
People who like you instantly because of your outlook are surface and shallow people, and I do not want to be like them.
I thought I loved you, but to come to think about it, I don't cause, I had no one that time.
That few months was hell and definitely not what I expected or dreamed about.
The two after you were so much better that I don't consider you a man.

I hereby declare that I fucking hate hongsters, people who go around adding girls behind my back in facebook or whatever stupid social network and those who do not draw a line between friends and something more than friends AND if I find out, I'll waste no time to abolish, demolish and make you disappear from my life.

Yours sincerely,
Chopped stamped and abide for life.

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