2. last beverage: Orange Banana Juice!
3. last phone call: Yq
4. last text message received and sent: Veronn
5. last CD played: HongKong Drama? Moonlight Resonance
6: last BUBBLE bath: Never play before ley.
7: last time you cried: Exactly a week ago
8. last meal: This morning
SEVEN have you’s:
1. have you ever dated someone twice? Nope
3. have you ever kissed someone & regreted it? Nope
4. have you ever fallen in love? Duh
5. have you ever lost someone? Yeah
6. have you ever slept until 2pm? Hmmmms.. I can't sleep that much
7. have you ever been drunk and thrown up? Yeah. It was red from the cranberry vodka
SIX things you did in the past three days:
1. Mahjong!
2. Night Jog!
3. Slacked!
4. Buffet!
5. Pangsai!
6. Songs!
List FIVE people you can tell pretty much anything to:
1. YQ
2. J
I don't know. I just keep them to myself.
List THREE favorite colors:
1. Black
2. Purple
3. Green
List FOUR things you want to do before you die:
1. Get a fucking job that pays well
2. Car, House of my own
3. A super huge walk-in wardrobe with all the versatility stuffs
4. Own a bar or something
This month have you…
Laughed until you cried? Yeah. Very often. Actions by friends
Went behind your parents back? Of cause!
1. Your last kiss? hmmmm.. when was it?
2. Gay Marriage? GAY PRIDE!
3. Lowering the drinking age? and the age to enter clubs please.
4. Straight, Gay, or Bi? CROOKS! GAYS! gay pride~
5. Who are the best huggers that you know? Not me(=
6. Do you believe in love at first sight? yeah.
7. Is there something you want to tell someone? I love you all!
8. What brand of shirt are you wearing? Uniqlo?
9. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends? HUH?!
10. What is your current annoyance? Ermmmmm.. you lor.
11. How many kids do you want to have? Good to play with. Difficult to keep.
12. Do you want to change your name? Nope. I love me cheena pok name.
13. Last time you saw your father? This morning?
14. What did you do for your last birthday? spent with airllie?
15.What time did you wake up today? 630! Later than my usual time of 620
16. What were you doing at midnight last night? Texting.
17. Name something you CANNOT wait to do: Earn money, spend money, HK trips, Learning how to dance NOT like a block of wood.
18. What is your favorite thing in your room? Bed lorr. or myself my room's floor.
19. Where is your best friend right now? ...
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1 comment:
sy! where u got the quiz!? i wanna play too!!! can send me?
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